
ST-16-014 (RP-1633) — Data and Interfaces for Advanced Building Operations and Maintenance

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Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 2016



This paper is based on findings resulting from ASHRAE Research Project RP-1633.

This paper provides recommendations for data-driveninterfaces for advanced building operations and maintenancedeveloped through ASHRAE Research Project 1633. Informingoperations and maintenance with data-driven informationis critical to achieve high-performance buildings. Substantialguidance illustrating how to measure and convey buildingperformance information has already been created, such as in ASHRAE Guideline 13-2015 (ASHRAE 2015) and PerformanceMeasurement Protocols for Commercial Buildings (ASHRAE 2010). RP-1633 focused attention on operationsand maintenance stakeholders, including control technicians,HVAC technicians, service providers, commissioning agents,and facility managers by conducting literature reviews,commercial interface reviews, and stakeholder interviews tocreate guidance about data-driven metrics and visualizationsthat clearly quantify and communicate building operationalperformance to these stakeholders. The results of this researchare presented here, with recommendations to provide metricsand visualizations at multiple scales, including portfolio wide,whole building, and for specific building areas, systems, andequipment. Metrics span categories related to operating costs,utility consumption, carbon emissions, system performance,controllability, faults, and energy savings. Metrics may bevisualized on maps, system graphics, and in floor plans; astime-series line charts; in calendar plots, bar charts, and piecharts; and relative to expected performance, past performance,orarelevantbenchmark. We will present feedback from operations and maintenance personnel and our research aboutthe types of metrics, at each scale, in which visualization format is most useful for advanced operations and maintenance.

Citation: 2016 Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO, Transactions 2016, Vol 122 pt. 2

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