
ST-16-005 — Simplified Procedure for Calculating Exhaust/Intake Separation Distances

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Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 2016



This paper is based on findings resulting from ASHRAE Research Project RP-1635.

The purpose of this research project is to provide asimple yet accurate procedure for calculating the minimumdistance required between the outlet of an exhaust systemand the outdoor air intake to a ventilation system to avoidreentrainment of exhaust gases. The new procedureaddresses the technical deficiencies in the simplified equationsand tables that are currently in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard62.1-2016, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor AirQuality (ASHRAE 2016a), and model building codes. Thisnew procedure makes use of the knowledge provided inChapter45of the2015 ASHRAE Handbook—HVACApplications (ASHRAE 2015), and was tested against variousphysical modeling and full-scale studies.

The study demonstrated that thenewmethod is more accuratethan the existing Standard 62.1 equation, which underpredictsand overpredicts observed dilution more frequentlythan the new method. In addition, the new method accounts forthe following additional important variables: stack height,wind speed, and “hidden” intake. The new method also hastheoretically justified procedures for addressing heatedexhaust, louvered exhaust, capped heated exhaust, and horizontalexhaust that is pointed away from the intake..

Citation: 2016 Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO, Transactions 2016, Vol 122 pt. 2

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