
Seminar 50 — ASHRAE + STEM = ?!?

Original price was: $49.00.Current price is: $24.50.

Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 2016



This product contains links to files that consist of PowerPoint slides synchronized with the audio-recording of the speaker (recorded presentation), PDF files of the slides, and audio only (mp3) as noted.

What is all the hype about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)? Why should ASHRAE members care about it? How do they talk to kids about it? What is the difference in dealing with K-12 or Post-high? This session not only answers these questions but also shares what the society committee has developed for member use.

Why Should an Engineer Care about Talking to Kids?
Kristin Schaefer, P.E., Member

What Does ASHRAE Have to Help You with Students?
Joe Chin, P.E.

How to Do a K-12 STEM Classroom Visit
Chuck Curlin, P.E., Member

Run Time: 90 mins

Citation: ASHRAE Seminar Recordings, 2016 Annual Conference, St. Louis, Mo

Product Details

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File Size:
1 file , 130 KB
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