
AT-96-16-4 — Recommended U-factors for Swinging, Overhead and Revolving Doors

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Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 1996



States doors are often an overlooked component in the thermal integrity of the building envelope. Although swinging doors represent a small portion of the shell in residential buildings. Their U-factor is usually many times higher than those of walls or ceilings. In some commercial buildings, loading (overhead) doors represent a significant area of high heat loss. Contrary to common perception, there is a wide range in the design, type and therefore thermal performance of doors. The 1997 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals will contain expanded tables of door U-factors to account for these product variations. Presents the results of detailed computer simulation of door U-factors. Presents recommended U-factors for glazed and unglazed residential and commercial swinging doors and commercial/industrial overhead and revolving doors.

KEYWORDS: year 1996, Transmittance, doors, commercial, industrial, domestic, revolving doors, swing doors, overhead

Citation: Symposium Papers, Atlanta, GA, 1996

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