
2984 — Residential Prototype Thermal Load Comparisons and Variations with Geographic Location

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $7.50.

Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 1986



Thermal load comparisons of five residential prototypes are presented along with a discussion of the implications associated with varying geographic locations. The work represents a continuation of previous work accomplished, which showed the independence of climate when comparing the thermal load variations caused by various configuration changes. The analysis used a data base of DOE-21A computer simulations for five building models (one-story ranch, two-story, split level, middleunit townhouse, and end-unit townhouse) with a climatic base of 17 locations. Also investigated were the differences associated with three floor types: slab-on-grade, basement, and ventilated crawl space. Results indicate that the thermal loads of different prototypes are proportional to each other in a manner that is independent of geographic location. In addition, percent heating and cooling load changes for a particular prototype resulting from implementation of a conservation measure are also approximately constant with location.

Units: Dual


Citation: ASHRAE Transactions, 1986, vol. 92, pt. 2A, Portland, OR

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