
SD-95-07-1 — Integrated Access Floor HVAC – Lessons Learned

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Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 1995



States the principle of operation of the concept is to create a consistent temperature cool air reservoir within the access floor plenum. Supply air including fresh air makeup from a conventional air handling plant is delivered to the access floor plenum and distributed with minimal ductwork, sufficient to blend with return air transferred from the occupied space above it. The blended air delivered from the access floor plenum to the occupied space by transfer fans under individual manual control or thermostatic control compensates for space loads. Space return air is apportioned back to the air handling system and to the floor plenum depending on the order of magnitude of the variable system flow rates. Illustrates the system. Offers insights into living with the system at the prototype project in Toronto, Canada. Notes advantages and aspects to avoid.

KEYWORDS: year 1995, Air conditioning, Canada, offices, case studies, prototypes, floors, elevated, underfloor

Citation: Symposium, ASHRAE Trans. 1995, Vol.101, Part 2

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