
TO-82-08-3 — A Steady State Computer Simulation Model for Air-to-Air Heat Pumps

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Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 1982



The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) appliance energy efficiency standard currently being implemented require that extensive testing be conducted to obtain heat pump performance rating information. In some cases, the standard permits use of computer programs to generate these data. Therefore, a Heat Pump Simulation Model has been developed that is capable of reducing the amount of testing currently required by DOE. The simulation model, which generates steady state heat pump performance data, is based upon the minimum number of experimental data for the specific heat pump of interest.

The first step in developing a heat pump simulation model is to generate a compressor simulation model using the minimum amount of compressor data. This model, based on manufacturers’ empirical performance curves and discussed in a previous paper, contains built-in corrections to adjust for levels of refrigerant superheat in the reciprocating2compressors, which differ from those levels for which the performance curves were generated.

In order to simulate other heat pump components, several component models were investigated for their applicability and availability. Heat Pump Design Model developed in Reference 3 was chosen for its -availability and comprehensive component modeling characteristics.

This paper will present a brief description of the component model, along with major modifications. The overall heat pump simulation model performance is then compared to heat pump experimental data and recommendations are given for improving and utilizing the model.

Citation: Symposium, ASHRAE Transactions, Volume 88, Part 2, Toronto, Canada

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