
Using Python and Eppy for a Large National Simulation Study

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Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 2016



A large study was performed using EnergyPlus toassess the maximum technically achievable energytargets for commercial buildings. The study looked at16 different building models across 17 climates basedon the PNNL prototype building models and applied 30different “maxtech” energy efficiency measures toeach. In order to perform the analysis, scripts weredeveloped to modify each building model to implementeach individual energy efficiency measures using theopen source Eppy scripting library based on Python. Inaddition, Python was used to automatically extractresults, analyze error messages, manage the selection ofmeasure options, and produce summary tables.Simulations were run on a variety of computers, somelocal and some on the cloud, and managed by a Pythonscript to optimize the use of resources. Data from allsimulations was sent to a central location with remotemonitoring. The strengths and weaknesses of theoverall approach will be discussed as well as lessonslearned by performing the overall analysis, the use ofEnergyPlus, Eppy and Python scripting. The results ofthe analysis are presented in the final report and in afuture paper. This paper focuses on the use of scriptingto perform the analysis.

Citation: ASHRAE/IBPSA-USA Bldg Simulation Conf, 2016

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